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Blacksmithing 101 Class

Have you ever seen forging on TV and wanted to give it a try? Have dreams of becoming a master smith but don’t know where to start? Then join FirstBuild's Intro to Blacksmithing Class.

Participants will learn the basics of hot forging metal and will work through 3 distinct projects to learn various hammering and forming techniques. This class will help you get a feel for the craft and is a requirement for any future blacksmithing curriculum. Participants will get to keep everything they make.

Class is two sessions long and will be held Sept. 19 and 26, 6-8 p.m. Space is limited; when sold out, join the community to learn about future classes.





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Smash Some Steel

Learn a new skill while exercising your creative muscles. Attendees MUST be at least 18 years old and are required to wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. PPE and tools will be provided for use in class. No previous experience required.

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